Monday, September 30, 2013

SOS button for technical support for Kindle Fire - Euro2day

«Óôï åîÞò, äåí èá êáëåß åóÜò ç ìçôÝñá óáò ãéá ôå ÷ íéêÞ õðïóôÞñéîç, áëëÜ åìÜò», õðïó ÷ Ýèçêå ï Ôæåö ÌðÝæïò

«Óôï åîÞò, äåí èá êáëåß åóÜò ç ìçôÝñá óáò ãéá ôå ÷ íéêÞ õðïóôÞñéîç, áëëÜ åìÜò », õðïó ÷ Ýèçêå ï Ôæåö ÌðÝæïò êáôÜ ôçí ðáñïõóßáóç äýï íÝùí ôá ÷ ýôåñùí (ôåôñáðýñçíá) êáé åëáöñýôåñùí (Ýùò 311ãñ) tablet Kindle Fire HDX. «Äåí èá ðñÝðåé ðëÝïí íá öïâÜóôå íá ÷ ñçóéìïðïéÞóåôå ôï tablet óáò», óõìðëÞñùóå ï åðéêåöáëÞò ôïõ ìåãáëýôåñïõ éíôåñíåôéêïý ðïëõêáôáóôÞìáôïò ðïõ ðñïùèåß âéâëßá, ðåñéïäéêÜ, ôáéíßåò êáé ìïõóéêÞ ìÝóù ôùí ïéêïíïìéêþí tablet ôïõ ðïõ «ðßíïõí» Mojito (ìéá Ýêäïóç ôïõ Android, åéäéêÜ ãéá ôá Kindle).

Ôá Kindle Fire HDX Ý ÷ ïõí ôï ëåãüìåíï «êïõìðß ðáíéêïý», Þ Mayday Button ìå ôï ðÜôçìá ôïõ ïðïßïõ, ï ÷ ñÞóôçò åðéêïéíùíåß ìÝóù äéáäéêôýïõ ìå Ýíáí åêðñüóùðï áðü ôçí ôå ÷ íéêÞ õðïóôÞñéîç ôïõ Amazon, ï ïðïßïò åìöáíßæåôáé óå Ýíá ìéêñü ðáñÜèõñï âßíôåï.

Ï ôå ÷ íéêüò ìðïñåß íá åëÝãîåé åî áðïóôÜóåùò ôï Kindle Fire HDX ãéá íá åðéëýóåé ôõ ÷ üí ðñïâëÞìáôá Þ íá õðïäåßîåé âÞìá ðñïò âÞìá óôïí ÷ ñÞóôç ôé ðñÝðåé íá êÜíåé, íá äþóåé óõìâïõëÝò êáé ðñïôÜóåéò.

Ï öéëüäïîïò óôü ÷ ïò ôïõ Amazon åßíáé íá õðÜñ ÷ åé áðüêñéóç óå êÜèå êëÞóç SOS åíôüò 15 ìüëéò äåõôåñïëÝðôùí, ìå ôïí ÌðÝæïò íá äçëþíåé ðùò ôï Amazon åêðáéäåýåé ðñïóùðéêü õðïóôÞñéîçò êáôÜ ÷ éëéÜäåò.

Ç ìåãáëýôåñç ðñüêëçóç áíáìÝíåôáé ôçí åïñôáóôéêÞ ðåñßïäï, ïðüôå ôï êáôÜóôçìá ðïõëÜåé ðáñáäïóéáêÜ ôçí ðëåéïíüôçôá ôùí Kindle. «Èá åßìáóôå Ýôïéìïé», äçëþíåé ìå áõôïðåðïßèçóç ï åðéôõ ÷ çìÝíïò åðé ÷ åéñçìáôßáò ðïõ êáôÜöåñå íá åðéâéþóåé ôçí ðåñßïäï ôçò ëåãüìåíçò öïýóêáò ôïõ Äéáäéêôýïõ. Ôï Amazon Ý ÷ åé Ýíá áðü ôá ìåãáëýôåñá êÝíôñá õðïóôÞñéîçò ðåëáôþí, ìåôáîý ôùí éíôåñíåôéêþí êáôáóôçìÜôùí ìåôáäßäåé ôï ðñáêôïñåßï Reuters.

Ôá Kindle ðïõ áêïëïõèïýí ôï Kindle Fire HD åßíáé äýï êáé ïíïìÜæïíôáé Kindle Fire HDX. Ôï ìéêñüôåñï Ý ÷ åé äéáãþíéï 7 ßíôóåò êáé ôï ìåãáëýôåñï 8,9 ßíôóåò. Ôï ðñþôï èá êõêëïöïñÞóåé óôéò 18 Ïêôùâñßïõ êáé ôï ìåãáëýôåñï èá áêïëïõèÞóåé óôéò 7 Íïåìâñßïõ 2013 óôéò ÇÐÁ ãéá 229 äïëÜñéá (16GB) êáé 379 äïëÜñéá áíôßóôïé ÷ á (åðßóçò 16GB).

Áìöüôåñá óõíäÝïíôáé óôï º íôåñíåô ìüíï ìÝóù Wi- Fi, áí êáé èá áêïëïõèÞóïõí ìïíôÝëá éêáíÜ íá áîéïðïéïýí áðåõèåßáò ôá äßêôõá êéíçôÞò ôçëåöùíßáò. ÐáñÜëëçëá, ôï Amazon ñß ÷ íåé ôçí ôéìÞ ôïõ Fire HD óôá 139 äïëÜñéá áí êáé ìåéþíïíôáò ôçí äéáèÝóéìç ÷ ùñçôéêüôçôá áðü ôá 16GB óôá 8GB (ôï ìåãáëýôåñï êüóôéæå 199 äïëÜñéá). Ôá íÝá Kindle Fire HD âáóßæïíôáé óå Ýíáí áðü ôïõò éó ÷ õñüôåñïõò åðåîåñãáóôÝò ãéá tablet, äçëáäÞ ôïí ôåôñáðýñçíï Snapdragon 800 ôçò Qualcomm.


SOS button for technical support for Kindle Fire - Euro2day

«Óôï åîÞò, äåí èá êáëåß åóÜò ç ìçôÝñá óáò ãéá ôå ÷ íéêÞ õðïóôÞñéîç, áëëÜ åìÜò», õðïó ÷ Ýèçêå ï Ôæåö ÌðÝæïò

«Óôï åîÞò, äåí èá êáëåß åóÜò ç ìçôÝñá óáò ãéá ôå ÷ íéêÞ õðïóôÞñéîç, áëëÜ åìÜò », õðïó ÷ Ýèçêå ï Ôæåö ÌðÝæïò êáôÜ ôçí ðáñïõóßáóç äýï íÝùí ôá ÷ ýôåñùí (ôåôñáðýñçíá) êáé åëáöñýôåñùí (Ýùò 311ãñ) tablet Kindle Fire HDX. «Äåí èá ðñÝðåé ðëÝïí íá öïâÜóôå íá ÷ ñçóéìïðïéÞóåôå ôï tablet óáò», óõìðëÞñùóå ï åðéêåöáëÞò ôïõ ìåãáëýôåñïõ éíôåñíåôéêïý ðïëõêáôáóôÞìáôïò ðïõ ðñïùèåß âéâëßá, ðåñéïäéêÜ, ôáéíßåò êáé ìïõóéêÞ ìÝóù ôùí ïéêïíïìéêþí tablet ôïõ ðïõ «ðßíïõí» Mojito (ìéá Ýêäïóç ôïõ Android, åéäéêÜ ãéá ôá Kindle).

Ôá Kindle Fire HDX Ý ÷ ïõí ôï ëåãüìåíï «êïõìðß ðáíéêïý», Þ Mayday Button ìå ôï ðÜôçìá ôïõ ïðïßïõ, ï ÷ ñÞóôçò åðéêïéíùíåß ìÝóù äéáäéêôýïõ ìå Ýíáí åêðñüóùðï áðü ôçí ôå ÷ íéêÞ õðïóôÞñéîç ôïõ Amazon, ï ïðïßïò åìöáíßæåôáé óå Ýíá ìéêñü ðáñÜèõñï âßíôåï.

Ï ôå ÷ íéêüò ìðïñåß íá åëÝãîåé åî áðïóôÜóåùò ôï Kindle Fire HDX ãéá íá åðéëýóåé ôõ ÷ üí ðñïâëÞìáôá Þ íá õðïäåßîåé âÞìá ðñïò âÞìá óôïí ÷ ñÞóôç ôé ðñÝðåé íá êÜíåé, íá äþóåé óõìâïõëÝò êáé ðñïôÜóåéò.

Ï öéëüäïîïò óôü ÷ ïò ôïõ Amazon åßíáé íá õðÜñ ÷ åé áðüêñéóç óå êÜèå êëÞóç SOS åíôüò 15 ìüëéò äåõôåñïëÝðôùí, ìå ôïí ÌðÝæïò íá äçëþíåé ðùò ôï Amazon åêðáéäåýåé ðñïóùðéêü õðïóôÞñéîçò êáôÜ ÷ éëéÜäåò.

Ç ìåãáëýôåñç ðñüêëçóç áíáìÝíåôáé ôçí åïñôáóôéêÞ ðåñßïäï, ïðüôå ôï êáôÜóôçìá ðïõëÜåé ðáñáäïóéáêÜ ôçí ðëåéïíüôçôá ôùí Kindle. «Èá åßìáóôå Ýôïéìïé», äçëþíåé ìå áõôïðåðïßèçóç ï åðéôõ ÷ çìÝíïò åðé ÷ åéñçìáôßáò ðïõ êáôÜöåñå íá åðéâéþóåé ôçí ðåñßïäï ôçò ëåãüìåíçò öïýóêáò ôïõ Äéáäéêôýïõ. Ôï Amazon Ý ÷ åé Ýíá áðü ôá ìåãáëýôåñá êÝíôñá õðïóôÞñéîçò ðåëáôþí, ìåôáîý ôùí éíôåñíåôéêþí êáôáóôçìÜôùí ìåôáäßäåé ôï ðñáêôïñåßï Reuters.

Ôá Kindle ðïõ áêïëïõèïýí ôï Kindle Fire HD åßíáé äýï êáé ïíïìÜæïíôáé Kindle Fire HDX. Ôï ìéêñüôåñï Ý ÷ åé äéáãþíéï 7 ßíôóåò êáé ôï ìåãáëýôåñï 8,9 ßíôóåò. Ôï ðñþôï èá êõêëïöïñÞóåé óôéò 18 Ïêôùâñßïõ êáé ôï ìåãáëýôåñï èá áêïëïõèÞóåé óôéò 7 Íïåìâñßïõ 2013 óôéò ÇÐÁ ãéá 229 äïëÜñéá (16GB) êáé 379 äïëÜñéá áíôßóôïé ÷ á (åðßóçò 16GB).

Áìöüôåñá óõíäÝïíôáé óôï º íôåñíåô ìüíï ìÝóù Wi- Fi, áí êáé èá áêïëïõèÞóïõí ìïíôÝëá éêáíÜ íá áîéïðïéïýí áðåõèåßáò ôá äßêôõá êéíçôÞò ôçëåöùíßáò. ÐáñÜëëçëá, ôï Amazon ñß ÷ íåé ôçí ôéìÞ ôïõ Fire HD óôá 139 äïëÜñéá áí êáé ìåéþíïíôáò ôçí äéáèÝóéìç ÷ ùñçôéêüôçôá áðü ôá 16GB óôá 8GB (ôï ìåãáëýôåñï êüóôéæå 199 äïëÜñéá). Ôá íÝá Kindle Fire HD âáóßæïíôáé óå Ýíáí áðü ôïõò éó ÷ õñüôåñïõò åðåîåñãáóôÝò ãéá tablet, äçëáäÞ ôïí ôåôñáðýñçíï Snapdragon 800 ôçò Qualcomm.


Sunday, September 29, 2013

SOS button for technical support for Kindle Fire -

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SOS button for technical support for Kindle Fire -

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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Kindle Fire HDX in two versions and Fire HD with new Soc announced by Amazon -

may not announced the rumored smartphone that will bear the name , yet Amazon has renewed its range of tablet and two new Kindle Fire HDX, with a 7 “display 1920×1200 pixel resolution with the second model to have screen 8.9″ inches and 2560×1600 pixel resolution.

Under the hood we find 2GB RAM and Snapdragon 800 Soc clocked at 2.2GHz, upgraded performance enough compared to the previous model announced before about a year. Improving meet and dimensions of the device which has a thickness of 8.9mm and weighs 303gr. for the model with the screen 7 “inch and respectively for the model with the screen of 8.9″ inch 7,9 mm and 374gr. Both models support the 802.11n standard and feature a front camera, while the larger model also incorporates rear camera 8MP.

Once again the tablet Amazon’s confined to a specially modified version of Android 4.2, which has the name Fire OS 3.0 codenamed Mojito. New features included in the upgraded application for email, which new machine in Silk browser and a new button through which users can have technical support within 15 “. Currently it remains unknown whether and for older devices the company will be upgraded to new version.

Both new models can be purchased in America with corresponding versions Ads in capacities 16GB, 32GB and 64GB. Available with screen 7 “inch starts at $ 229 USD and will be released on 18 October, while the model with the screen of 8.9 “inches from $ $ 379 to traffic from 7 November. The Kindle Fire HD will continue to be sold with an upgraded processor 1.5GHz OMAP4 SoC, screen resolution 1280x 800p, 8GB storage while also running the new software version of Amazon for $ 139 U.S. dollars in circulation on October 2.

All models are available for ordering from the online store Amazon.

Site: ArsTechnica

Kindle Fire HDX in two versions and Fire HD with new Soc announced by Amazon -

may not announced the rumored smartphone that will bear the name , yet Amazon has renewed its range of tablet and two new Kindle Fire HDX, with a 7 “display 1920×1200 pixel resolution with the second model to have screen 8.9″ inches and 2560×1600 pixel resolution.

Under the hood we find 2GB RAM and Snapdragon 800 Soc clocked at 2.2GHz, upgraded performance enough compared to the previous model announced before about a year. Improving meet and dimensions of the device which has a thickness of 8.9mm and weighs 303gr. for the model with the screen 7 “inch and respectively for the model with the screen of 8.9″ inch 7,9 mm and 374gr. Both models support the 802.11n standard and feature a front camera, while the larger model also incorporates rear camera 8MP.

Once again the tablet Amazon’s confined to a specially modified version of Android 4.2, which has the name Fire OS 3.0 codenamed Mojito. New features included in the upgraded application for email, which new machine in Silk browser and a new button through which users can have technical support within 15 “. Currently it remains unknown whether and for older devices the company will be upgraded to new version.

Both new models can be purchased in America with corresponding versions Ads in capacities 16GB, 32GB and 64GB. Available with screen 7 “inch starts at $ 229 USD and will be released on 18 October, while the model with the screen of 8.9 “inches from $ $ 379 to traffic from 7 November. The Kindle Fire HD will continue to be sold with an upgraded processor 1.5GHz OMAP4 SoC, screen resolution 1280x 800p, 8GB storage while also running the new software version of Amazon for $ 139 U.S. dollars in circulation on October 2.

All models are available for ordering from the online store Amazon.

Site: ArsTechnica

Kindle Fire HDX in two versions and Fire HD with new Soc announced by Amazon -

may not announced the rumored smartphone that will bear the name , yet Amazon has renewed its range of tablet and two new Kindle Fire HDX, with a 7 “display 1920×1200 pixel resolution with the second model to have screen 8.9″ inches and 2560×1600 pixel resolution.

Under the hood we find 2GB RAM and Snapdragon 800 Soc clocked at 2.2GHz, upgraded performance enough compared to the previous model announced before about a year. Improving meet and dimensions of the device which has a thickness of 8.9mm and weighs 303gr. for the model with the screen 7 “inch and respectively for the model with the screen of 8.9″ inch 7,9 mm and 374gr. Both models support the 802.11n standard and feature a front camera, while the larger model also incorporates rear camera 8MP.

Once again the tablet Amazon’s confined to a specially modified version of Android 4.2, which has the name Fire OS 3.0 codenamed Mojito. New features included in the upgraded application for email, which new machine in Silk browser and a new button through which users can have technical support within 15 “. Currently it remains unknown whether and for older devices the company will be upgraded to new version.

Both new models can be purchased in America with corresponding versions Ads in capacities 16GB, 32GB and 64GB. Available with screen 7 “inch starts at $ 229 USD and will be released on 18 October, while the model with the screen of 8.9 “inches from $ $ 379 to traffic from 7 November. The Kindle Fire HD will continue to be sold with an upgraded processor 1.5GHz OMAP4 SoC, screen resolution 1280x 800p, 8GB storage while also running the new software version of Amazon for $ 139 U.S. dollars in circulation on October 2.

All models are available for ordering from the online store Amazon.

Site: ArsTechnica

Amazon's Kindle Fire HDX slimmer, sharper - Southland Times

In the fleeting moments I had with Amazon’s new Kindle Fire tablet, I noticed one major thing: It lost a lot of weight.

The engineers at Amazon managed to slim down their flagship tablet in every dimension.

The new Kindle Fire HDX is lighter by 23 per cent for the smaller model and 34 percent for the full-sized one. The slimmer profile is made possible by a new, lighter magnesium alloy body, a touch screen with fewer layers than before and a frame that is about one-quarter narrower all around the edge of the screen.

Add to that the company’s claim that the processor is three times as fast as last year’s Kindle Fire HD, and Inc. seems to have an attractive holiday gift option on its hands.

In my hands, at an event for reporters Tuesday, the weight reduction is noticeable. I own a year-old 7-inch Kindle Fire HD and find it chunky. Trying to read a book on it with one hand is like doing so with a big hardcover book. Eventually, your wrist will need a break.

The new HDX with a 7-inch screen, measured diagonally, is now lighter than the iPad Mini, at 10.7 ounces compared with 10.9 ounces. Google’s new Nexus 7 is lighter than both, though, at 10.2 ounces. The HDX has a starting price of $ 229, a $ 100 less than the Mini.

For dedicated reading, you might prefer a lighter e-reader, such as the Kindle Paperwhite, at 7.3 ounces. But my tendons appreciate the effort Amazon has made to slim down the Fire. And you need a tablet if you want to do more than read.

The 8.9-inch HDX is also significantly lighter, at 13.2 ounces, than a full-size iPad, at 23 ounces. Of course, the smaller screen – 0.8 inches shorter on the diagonal – contributes to Amazon’s under-sized achievement here. The larger HDX starts at $ 379, or $ 120 less than the iPad.

The new Kindle devices sport a “unibody,” compared with the previous model’s casing made of many parts put together. The back still has a rubbery feel like the old Kindle Fire HD. There is still shiny plastic covering the camera area, so fans of Apple’s aluminum casing might not be impressed. But this is in fitting with the kind of holdable feel of the overall Kindle line.

Amazon also gave last year’s HD an update and a price cut, though the new model drops a front-facing camera and microphone and reduces the amount of storage. The base model with 8 gigabytes costs $ 139, compared with $ 199 for the 16 gigabyte version before.

I didn’t get a chance to test on my own a new “Mayday” button on the HDX models. With that feature, a few taps summons a live video chat with a customer service representative. I saw a demo enough times to believe that, yes, there is indeed an actual person able to assist you if you need help navigating.

One neat part about this: The representative has the ability to scribble on your screen to point you to where you should tap. If you’ve watched televised football games, you might have seen these virtual chalkboards, in which the announcers draw arrows over the screen as they comment on plays and strategies. Here, instead of the representative telling you to tap the second button on the left, he or she can circle it for you. The representative can even take over your device temporarily to put you on the right path.

Don’t worry about looking presentable, though. The representative can hear you but can’t see you through the one-way video window. But that person can see whatever is on your screen, so hide that love note before summoning help.

CEO Jeff Bezos surmised that the “Mayday” button will make a fun Christmas Day conversation starter. I’m sure Amazon will ensure they respond promptly to the flood of inquiries around gift-opening time from people who just want to try it out.

I noticed the speakers are now positioned on top of the device when held horizontally, instead of being on both sides. This seems designed so you can still hear in stereo without headphones when the new “origami” cover is attached. In the previous version, I found headphone-less listening quality was patchy because the speakers faced away from you. Even with the new speaker location, they point away. I feel like people who want the stereo effect should just use headphones.

As for the screen quality, I think the improvement is nice, but perhaps not as stunning as the improvement from standard definition to HD.

Viewing a scene from the pilot of Amazon’s original series, Alpha House, on a 7-inch HDX alongside the updated Kindle Fire HD, I found the colors on the new model a bit more vibrant.

Both HDX models now have a higher pixel density than Apple’s vaunted Retina screen: The smaller one is at 323 pixels per inch and the full-sized one is at 339 pixels per inch. By contrast, the iPad Mini is at 162 pixels per inch and the full-sized iPad at 264 pixels per inch.

Although app developers still have to make use of the improved screens, they are needed to make the most of Amazon’s video signals, which are sent out at up to 1080p. The older and the updated Kindle Fire HD are capable of handling only up to 720p streams.

The 8.9-inch HDX now comes with a rear-facing camera and dedicated photo-editing software, although I have always felt taking pictures with a big tablet seems silly, especially if you have a smartphone in your pocket that does the same job.

Other features include an improved X-ray on-screen trivia service, which now features musical data. Amazon’s Prime Instant Video service now features downloads for offline viewing rather than just streaming, which requires a constant Internet connection. I’ll need more hands-on time to try them out, though.

With HDX, Amazon is making key improvements in areas where I feel it lagged behind its competitors the most: on weight and with its processor, as the old Kindle Fire HD felt laggy and slow to respond. I don’t think Amazon will ever be the brand for, say, gamers looking for high performance from a tablet. But for people who use Amazon a lot for books, video and other services, it’ll be nice to have a bit less wrist strain and a bit more zip when flitting around the device.

– AP


Friday, September 27, 2013

Amazon backtracks on 'dead on arrival' 8GB Kindle Fire model - CNET

CEO Jeff Bezos laid the 8GB unit of memory to rest last year during the Kindle Fire HD launch. So why did Amazon make one now?

Donna Tam
 September 27, 2013 11:51 AM PDT

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, introducing the new crop of Kindle Fire tablets in September 2012.

(Credit: James Martin / CNET)

Amazon has brought the 8-gigabyte tablet back from the dead with its new Kindle Fire HD model, despite laying the unit of storage to rest a year ago.

The company rolled out its latest line of tablets on Tuesday, opting for exclusive press briefings with select media at its Seattle headquarters, rather than a flashy launch event. In addition to a new family of tablets, the Kindle Fire HDX, the company nonchalantly introduced an 8GB option with its refresh of the Kindle Fire HD.

CEO Jeff Bezos made a big to-do about not offering an 8GB version of the Kindle Fire HD – which started at 16GB – at the launch for the device last year.

“For a high-def device, 8 gigabytes is dead on arrival,” he said. The screen behind him flashed an image of a tombstone with the words “RIP 8GB” engraved on it during his announcement.

So why is the 8GB tablet back?

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“We wanted to give our customers the choice, and we wanted to make it available for $ 139. Plus, there’s free cloud storage,” an Amazon spokeswoman said when asked for comment.

CNET’s Eric Franklin said it has to do with Amazon competing in the now crowded low-budget tablet market and the company’s new focus on streaming content.

“I think it’s all about hitting that low price point. $ 139 for a Kindle Fire looks like a steal to most,” he said. “Also, Amazon probably plans to leverage all of it’s streaming services which don’t require much storage.”

The company, has always been heavily invested in delivering content, but that content has rapidly changed from physical books and CDs to streaming movies and music from the cloud. And that’s when a tablet with 8GB of storage does just fine.

Amazon backtracks on 'dead on arrival' 8GB Kindle Fire model - CNET

CEO Jeff Bezos laid the 8GB unit of memory to rest last year during the Kindle Fire HD launch. So why did Amazon make one now?

Donna Tam
 September 27, 2013 11:51 AM PDT

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, introducing the new crop of Kindle Fire tablets in September 2012.

(Credit: James Martin / CNET)

Amazon has brought the 8-gigabyte tablet back from the dead with its new Kindle Fire HD model, despite laying the unit of storage to rest a year ago.

The company rolled out its latest line of tablets on Tuesday, opting for exclusive press briefings with select media at its Seattle headquarters, rather than a flashy launch event. In addition to a new family of tablets, the Kindle Fire HDX, the company nonchalantly introduced an 8GB option with its refresh of the Kindle Fire HD.

CEO Jeff Bezos made a big to-do about not offering an 8GB version of the Kindle Fire HD – which started at 16GB – at the launch for the device last year.

“For a high-def device, 8 gigabytes is dead on arrival,” he said. The screen behind him flashed an image of a tombstone with the words “RIP 8GB” engraved on it during his announcement.

So why is the 8GB tablet back?

Related stories

  • New Kindle Paperwhite gets zippier, better built-in light
  • What Amazon should do: Think different. Be more like Apple
  • Amazon’s new Mayday ads: Saving sad, rich men everywhere

“We wanted to give our customers the choice, and we wanted to make it available for $ 139. Plus, there’s free cloud storage,” an Amazon spokeswoman said when asked for comment.

CNET’s Eric Franklin said it has to do with Amazon competing in the now crowded low-budget tablet market and the company’s new focus on streaming content.

“I think it’s all about hitting that low price point. $ 139 for a Kindle Fire looks like a steal to most,” he said. “Also, Amazon probably plans to leverage all of it’s streaming services which don’t require much storage.”

The company, has always been heavily invested in delivering content, but that content has rapidly changed from physical books and CDs to streaming movies and music from the cloud. And that’s when a tablet with 8GB of storage does just fine.

Amazon Kindle Fire HDX, the new series of 7 "and 8.9" tablets - pestaola

Amazon Kindle Fire HDX, the new series of 7

The Kindle Fire KDX 7 and Kindle HDX 8.9 are the new tablets Amazon’s updated features, improved performance and greater autonomy.

Amazon Kindle Fire HDX, bigger, faster, better Kindle soon and Greece

Both Kindle Fire HDX tablets designed primarily for fun and entertainment the hours lounging on the couch or traveling on a train, bus, etc. Movies, series, books, music and anything else the mood you can save the new Kindle Fire HDX 7 and HDX 8.9 for playback anytime.

ALSO: New Amazon Kindle Paperwhite second generation available directly in Greece

The Kindle Fire HDX 7 and HDX 8.9 runs the Fire OS, based on the Android 4.2 OS but with several additions by Amazon to offer the best possible hardware Amazon. In version 3.0, the Fire OS now has a revamped email client, the Silk browser as well as the possibility of obtaining assistance and technical support services directly with Amazon to Mayday button.

Amazon Kindle Fire HDX, the new series of 7

Both models of the Kindle Fire HDX, 7 and 8.9 inches, share many of the same technical characteristics with minimal differences. Processor Snapdragon 800, 2 GB RAM which make three times faster with twice the memory compared to the previous model. Have 2 cameras, one in 720p front and one at the back that the model of 8.9 “is the 8 MP, downloadable video 1080p.

The battery reaches 11 hours autonomy that can grow up to 17 hours if the Kindle Fire HDX used only for reading ebooks. The fact that the Amazon manages to reduce both weight and thickness while maintaining approximately the same size makes it very lightweight and convenient to hold in hand.

WATCH: Amazon Kindle Matchbook, bought many books ebooks cheaply

Amazon Kindle Fire HDX tablet, more than fun and entertainment with price from $ 379

The Amazon claims that the tablets can be used in parallel for work and productivity, but this is true only if the requirements are limited to sending and receiving email, calendar, surfing the Silk browser and interaction with Twitter and Facebook.

The price of Kindle Fire HDX 7 “starts at $ 229 and is expected to be released on October 18, 2013 while the price of Kindle Fire HDX 8.9″ starts at $ 379 and will be available on November 7, 2013. Pre-orders have begun for the moment only for America without having announced the availability date in other countries and in Greece.

Amazon Kindle Fire HDX Offers Mayday Button - Sky News

Amazon is promising “instant” video tech support with its new Kindle device as it looks to gain an edge in the rapidly growing tablet market.

The Kindle Fire HDX has better processing power and a higher screen resolution than the previous generation, and is also lighter, but it is the Mayday feature that could see it tempt tablet newbies.

It allows users to start a video chat with a customer service representative at the touch of a button.

The Amazon rep can then explain features, troubleshoot problems, or take control of the device and guide users with on-screen hand scribbles.

The company said the free 24/7 service should pop up with 15 seconds of a user asking for help.

CEO Jeff Bezos told reporters that the Mayday function was “completely unique” and takes advantage of the online retailer’s cloud computing and customer service infrastructure.

“You shouldn’t have to be afraid of your device,” said Bezos.

Tesco Hudl Tesco announced its own budget tablet this week – the Hudl

The HDX tablet comes in 7-inch and 8.9-inch versions – pitting it against the likes of Apple’s iPad and iPad Mini, and Samsung’s Galaxy Tab devices.

It also has an improved Snapdragon 800 quad-core processor running at 2.2 GHz.

Both versions of Amazon’s new tablet also have a higher pixel density than its main tablet rivals, meaning images should be sharper.

However, one potential deal-breaker for shoppers could be the relative lack of apps.

Amazon’s app store is around one-tenth of the size of Google’s Play store and Apple’s App Store.

The iconic iPad – which kick-started the tablet revolution – is still the biggest seller in the market with 48% of US sales in the last quarter, compared with 17% for Kindles and 8% for Samsung devices.

The tablet market is growing at a rapid rate and is expected to enjoy bumper Christmas sales.

Worldwide sales are forecast to outstrip laptops and reach 229.3 million units in 2013 – up from 144.5 million units last year, according to research firm IDC.

The growth has been driven by an influx of low-cost tablets, mostly powered by Google’s Android operating system.

Supermarket giant Tesco this week announced its own budget Android tablet called the Hudl , while Microsoft also revealed upgrades to its Windows-based Surface tablet.

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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Amazon Kindle Fire HDX, In many pixels - Techblog (Blog)


H Amazon announced the new tablets out after the relevant rumors on 7 and 8.9 inches, with high resolution displays and naming Kindle Fire HDX for even more convenient use. Once again as Amazon emphasizes content consumption and not so much on specs, this does not mean that the devices do not have everything you need by the user.

Both tablets is the operating system Fire 3.0, which has the designation Mojito. On Android we have sweets, here we cocktails … The processor on both models is a quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 at 2.2 GHz. The model Kindle Fire HDX with 7 inch screen and resolution 1920 × 1080 pixels and 323 ppi, it has memory RAM 2GB and will have versions with internal memory 16, 32 and 64 GB. The Kindle Fire HDX with 8.9 inch screen will have a resolution 2560 × 1600 pixels and 339 ppi. Has front camera and another of 8 Megapixels the back. And here there will be versions with memory 16/32/64 GB internal memory.

In the U.S., both models will have issues with the 4G network of AT & T, and will come with new covers Origami for color and protection. Impression on the new tablets causes Mayday button, which will ask direct technical support at any day and at any time.

Amazon Kindle Fire HDX, In many pixels

Amazon Kindle Fire HDX, In many pixels

Amazon Kindle Fire HDX, In many pixels

Amazon Kindle Fire HDX, In many pixels

Amazon Kindle Fire HDX, In many pixels

Amazon Kindle Fire HDX, In many pixels


Learn about: Amazon, Amazon Kindle, Amazon Kindle Fire HDX

Author: Nick Kaimakamis.

Amazon Kindle Fire HDX, In many pixels - Techblog (Blog)


H Amazon announced the new tablets out after the relevant rumors on 7 and 8.9 inches, with high resolution displays and naming Kindle Fire HDX for even more convenient use. Once again as Amazon emphasizes content consumption and not so much on specs, this does not mean that the devices do not have everything you need by the user.

Both tablets is the operating system Fire 3.0, which has the designation Mojito. On Android we have sweets, here we cocktails … The processor on both models is a quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 at 2.2 GHz. The model Kindle Fire HDX with 7 inch screen and resolution 1920 × 1080 pixels and 323 ppi, it has memory RAM 2GB and will have versions with internal memory 16, 32 and 64 GB. The Kindle Fire HDX with 8.9 inch screen will have a resolution 2560 × 1600 pixels and 339 ppi. Has front camera and another of 8 Megapixels the back. And here there will be versions with memory 16/32/64 GB internal memory.

In the U.S., both models will have issues with the 4G network of AT & T, and will come with new covers Origami for color and protection. Impression on the new tablets causes Mayday button, which will ask direct technical support at any day and at any time.

Amazon Kindle Fire HDX, In many pixels

Amazon Kindle Fire HDX, In many pixels

Amazon Kindle Fire HDX, In many pixels

Amazon Kindle Fire HDX, In many pixels

Amazon Kindle Fire HDX, In many pixels

Amazon Kindle Fire HDX, In many pixels


Learn about: Amazon, Amazon Kindle, Amazon Kindle Fire HDX

Author: Nick Kaimakamis.

SOS button for technical support for Kindle Fire HDX from Amazon -

«Henceforth, it will ask you your mother for technical support, but us,” promised Jeff Bezos at the launch of two new faster (quad) and lighter (up to 311gr) tablet Kindle Fire HDX . “There should no longer be afraid to use your tablet,” added the head of the largest internet stores which promotes books, magazines, movies and music through economic tablet who ‘drink »Mojito (a version of Android, especially for Kindle ).

The Kindle Fire HDX are called “panic button” or Mayday Button at the touch of which the user communicates online with a representative from the technical support of Amazon, who appears in a small video window. The technician can control remotely the Kindle Fire HDX to resolve any problems or indicate step by step the user what to do, give advice and suggestions. The ambitious goal of Amazon is no response to any SOS call within just 15 seconds, with Bezos stating that the Amazon train support staff by the thousands. The biggest challenge is expected the festive period, when the store sells the majority of traditional Kindle. “We’ll be ready,” said the confident successful businessman who managed to survive the period of so-called Internet bubble. Amazon has one of the largest customer support centers, including internet stores transmits agency Reuters.

The Kindle following the Kindle Fire HD are two, called Kindle Fire HDX. The smallest has a diagonal of 7 inches and the larger 8.9 inches. The first will be released on October 18 and most will follow on November 7, 2013 in the U.S. for $ 229 (16GB) and $ 379 respectively (also 16GB). Both are connected to the Internet only through Wi-Fi, although it will follow models able to exploit directly the mobile networks. At the same time, Amazon throws its price Fire HD at $ 139 while reducing the available capacity from 16GB to 8GB (most cost $ 199). The new Kindle Fire HD based on one of the most powerful processors for tablet, namely the quad-core Snapdragon 800 of Qualcomm.

SOS button for technical support for Kindle Fire HDX from Amazon -

«Henceforth, it will ask you your mother for technical support, but us,” promised Jeff Bezos at the launch of two new faster (quad) and lighter (up to 311gr) tablet Kindle Fire HDX . “There should no longer be afraid to use your tablet,” added the head of the largest internet stores which promotes books, magazines, movies and music through economic tablet who ‘drink »Mojito (a version of Android, especially for Kindle ).

The Kindle Fire HDX are called “panic button” or Mayday Button at the touch of which the user communicates online with a representative from the technical support of Amazon, who appears in a small video window. The technician can control remotely the Kindle Fire HDX to resolve any problems or indicate step by step the user what to do, give advice and suggestions. The ambitious goal of Amazon is no response to any SOS call within just 15 seconds, with Bezos stating that the Amazon train support staff by the thousands. The biggest challenge is expected the festive period, when the store sells the majority of traditional Kindle. “We’ll be ready,” said the confident successful businessman who managed to survive the period of so-called Internet bubble. Amazon has one of the largest customer support centers, including internet stores transmits agency Reuters.

The Kindle following the Kindle Fire HD are two, called Kindle Fire HDX. The smallest has a diagonal of 7 inches and the larger 8.9 inches. The first will be released on October 18 and most will follow on November 7, 2013 in the U.S. for $ 229 (16GB) and $ 379 respectively (also 16GB). Both are connected to the Internet only through Wi-Fi, although it will follow models able to exploit directly the mobile networks. At the same time, Amazon throws its price Fire HD at $ 139 while reducing the available capacity from 16GB to 8GB (most cost $ 199). The new Kindle Fire HD based on one of the most powerful processors for tablet, namely the quad-core Snapdragon 800 of Qualcomm.

With the New Kindle Fire HDX Tablets, Amazon Stays Ambitious and Goes ... - TIME

Jeff Bezos shows off better screens, slick TV tricks and built-in help from real people.

Harry McCracken / TIME

From left, Amazon’s 8.9 “Kindle Fire HDX, updated 7″ Kindle Fire HD and 7 “Kindle Fire HDX

I’m sitting in an Amazon conference room in Seattle along with a couple of other tech journalists. Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos is telling us about the company’s goals with its new Kindle Fire tablets. He begins by scrawling two goals on a whiteboard – and since they were also centerpieces of the Kindle event he presided over in September, 2012, I knew what they were going to be as he began writing them:

1. Premium products at non-premium prices

2. Make money when people use our devices, not when people buy our devices

And then Bezos adds a new goal. It’s in the form of a Venn diagram he says we may find a bit oblique without further explanation. Here’s my crude approximation:

Jeff Bezos Venn diagram

After shading in the overlapping area, he tells us: “ Here is where some of the hardest-to-do but also coolest things reside.”

That overlap turns out to be key to Amazon’s new tablets, the 7 “and 8.9″ Kindle Fire HDX and a revised version of last year’s 7 “Kindle Fire HD. What Bezos is saying is that Amazon can make better, more inventive tablets than most companies because it designs its own hardware, writes its own software and controls its own services. Or to put it the way Steve Jobs once did when speaking of Apple products, Amazon makes “the whole widget.”

All three new models go on pre-order today; Amazon says that the updated Fire HD will ship on October 2, the 7 “Fire HDX on October 18 and the 8.9″ HDX on November 7. On Tuesday, I got a walk-through of all three and some hands-on time with the 7 “HDX.

People who think about gadgets primarily in terms of specs are going to fixate on the fact that the new Kindle Fires pack substantially more sophisticated technologies than earlier models. Enough so that even though Amazon foregoes a profit until consumers start to pay it for content – “We add up our bill of materials and are willing to sell this device at break-even,” Bezos says. The two HDX models sell for more than last year’s HD models.

Riffing on Bezos’s point # 1, they’re even more premium products at somewhat more premium prices; the 8.9 “model is now more expensive than Apple’s iPad Mini, and will therefore compete with it solely on quality, not cost.

Here are the basics on the new hardware:

  • 7 “Kindle Fire HDX: 2.2-GHz, four-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 processor with three times the previous performance; Adreno 330 graphics with four times the previous performance; 1920-by -1200 display at 323 pixels-inch; 2GB of RAM; front-facing camera; redesigned case that’s thinner and 20 percent lighter, with power and volume buttons on the back. The starting price is $ 229, vs. $ 199 for the 7 “Kindle Fire HD.
  • 8.9 “Kindle Fire HDX: same processor, graphics, and RAM as 7″ model; 2560-by-1600 display at 339 PPI; front-facing camera and new rear-facing 8-megapixel camera with LED flash. It weighs 13.2 ounces – vs. 20 ounces for the 8.9 “Kindle Fire HD – which, Amazon says, makes it the lightest full-size tablet. (It is indeed a featherweight – so easy to pick up that it feels more like a hollow model than something stuffed with electronics.) The starting price is $ 379 with 16GB of storage, vs. a current price of $ 269 for the 8.9 “Fire HD, which originally sold for $ 299.
  • 7 “Kindle Fire HD: This one is an update to last year’s Fire HD, and the big news is the rock-bottom price: $ 139, or $ 20 less than the previous version. It has a 1280-by-800 screen, a 1.5-GHz dual-core processor, and a svelte new case similar in looks to those of the HDX models.

Hardware-wise, the HDX models’ biggest news is probably their super-high-resolution screens. Both handily beat the pixel-per-inch count of Apple’s iPad, which introduced the whole idea of ??super-high-resolution tablet screens with its Retina display just last year. Amazon says that its new displays have perfect 100% sRGB color accuracy and less glare, and a new feature adjusts contrast on the fly for whatever lighting environment you’re in, whether you’re reclining in a dimly-lit bedroom or sitting on a park bench. (I saw the screens only fleetingly, in Amazon’s own conference rooms, but they did look awfully good.) The company also says that it’s dug deeply into Android’s underpinnings to make the touch interface unusually responsive.

Zippy processors and graphics don’t always translate into gizmos that feel faster than theoretically more sluggish ones. But in my limited time with the 7 “HDX, it did seem to be a rocket: On-screen scrolling was super-responsive, and a racing game achieved console-like detail and fluidity.

Amazon also claims that both HDX models can run for up to 11 hours on a charge – up from 10 for the previous generation – and that a new power-efficient mode for reading Kindle e-books can last for up to 17 hours .

Last year’s 8.9 “Kindle Fire HD came in a version with AT & T LTE and a really cheap starter plan: $ 50 a year for 250MB of data a month. With the new HDX models, Amazon is ditching that offer. (It’s not a great loss, since the amount was pretty darn skimpy.) Instead, it’s offering both AT & T and Verizon versions, in both screen sizes, for $ 100 more than Wi-Fi-only models. You’ll add them to your carrier’s shared plan and have access to however much data you choose to pay for. Not disruptive in the least, but practical and straightforward.

The new Kindle Fire hardware looks nice, but the more meaningful changes may be in the tablets’ software and services. As before, these are “Android tablets” only in the sense that Amazon started with Android as a software ingredient, and lets you download third-party Android programs from its AppStore. More than ever, though, it’s building its own ambitious, content-centric world. It’s the closest thing the industry has to a third major tablet platform besides Apple’s iOS and Google’s standard-issue version of Android.

Ever since the first Kindle Fire debuted in 2011, every article about Amazon’s tablets has needed to explain that they run the company’s own heavily modified version of Android. Amazon has now made this easier to address by giving its software a name: Fire OS. The version shipping on the new Kindle Fires is Fire OS 3.0, code-named “Mojito.” (If future versions are also named after cocktails, feel free to take it as Amazon hinting that its version of Android is more grown-up than Google’s , which bears code names such as Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean and KitKat.)

Basic new features in Fire OS 3.0 include:

Kindle Fire Grid View


A grid view. The primary navigation remains the very Amazon-centric Carousel, which shows sections for books, movies, music, apps and other content, along with Amazon’s own stores for purchasing more of all of the above. But you can swipe up to reveal a grid that looks a lot more like iOS and Android.

An app (and other content) switcher. Swiping in from the side now shows thumbnails for apps and other recent stuff you’ve been consuming, allowing you to quickly go back.

A left-navigation menu. Amazon’s own apps now have menus you can pull down on the side for quick access to a variety of features.

Business features. Kindle Fires may be among the most consumery tablets on the market, but with previous generations, “one of the surprises was how many enterprises were buying them,” Bezos says. “We’ve doubled down on that.” The new software has a number of prosaic-but-important features aimed at worker bees, including Virtual Private Networking and Kerberos authentication.

All of these additions make Fire OS 3.0 feel meatier, and should appeal to advanced types who found the previous versions a tad dumbed-down compared to raw Android. But the features Bezos demonstrated personally were more striking. They’re the ones aiming for that intersection between customer delight and deep integration he diagrammed:

Amazon Kindle Mayday


The Mayday Button. The only way I can think of to adequately explain this new customer-service feature is as a Genius Bar that happens to be built into every new Kindle Fire.

“We have many, many tech support representatives for Kindle, and we have had for several years,” Bezos says. “The first thing the customer has to do is describe the state of their device … that actually takes quite a bit of time.” With Mayday, a live rep appears on the Kindle in a tiny video chat window that can sit anywhere on the screen, overlaying any app. The rep can talk with the customer, draw arrows on the screen to call attention to features and even operate the interface to show how to accomplish tasks.

“We’re going to try and completely elevate the experience of doing customer support,” says Bezos, who points out that Mayday is only possible because Amazon has such thorough control over the operating system. It’ll be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year for free, and the goal is to respond to requests to initiate a session in under fifteen seconds. Kindle owners are free to use it both for technical issues and what Bezos calls “cup of sugar” requests such as suggestions of apps to try.

“In our beta testing, when we’re showing this to people,” he says, “their jaws hit the table.” Having seen Mayday for myself, I believe it.

Kindle Fire Second Screen

Harry McCracken / TIME

Second-screen TV features. As before, thousands of movies and TV episodes support an Amazon technology called X-Ray, which lets you learn more about what you’re watching. It delves even deeper than before – for instance, it now shows any songs that are played during a program. And if you’ve got a PlayStation 3, a PlayStation 4 or a Samsung Smart TV, you can start watching something on Amazon Video on the tablet, then redirect it to your TV, which will stream it directly from the Internet.

“The tablet processor is completely freed up to do whatever I’d like on my tablet, but it’s completely synchronized,” Bezos told us as he demoed the feature by watching an episode of USA’s Scrubs . “I can do e-mail, play games … I can multitask if I want to.”

Kindle Fire Music X-Ray


X-Ray for music. Songs, like other types of content, are now complemented with related material, such as lyrics; as a song plays, the words appear on-screen. You can tap on any lyric to jump around in the audio.

Bezos also showed us a new case available for the updated Fires called the Origami Cover. With its embedded magnets and folding panels, it’s obviously inspired by the iPad’s Smart Cover, but it’s not a slavish knockoff: The panels fold up into a pyramid-like shape, which lets you prop up the tablet in either portrait or landscape orientation. The version for the 8.9 “Fire HDX also lets you slide up the tablet slightly so that you can snap a picture with the rear camera. And when you slide, the Fire automatically launches its camera app.

Kindle Fire Origami Cover

Harry McCracken / TIME

That’s a lot to chew on, and it’s not everything. (Amazon Prime subscribers, for instance, will now be able to download some movies and TV shows so they’re watchable without an Internet connection.) The Kindle Fire line has come a long way from the original 2011 Kindle Fire, which was cheap and small, and otherwise not all that exciting.

Still, with Kindle Fires, even more than most gadgets, I’ve learned to tamp down my enthusiasm until I’ve tried them on my own. I’ve found that the versions Amazon initially ships have been buggy and generally rough around the edges; only with subsequent software updates have the hardware, software and services all blended together into something resembling a seamless whole.

In fact, this time around, Amazon is already saying that it won’t be quite finished when the new devices ship. Some of the features, including certain enterprise capabilities and integration with the Amazon-owned GoodReads social network, will arrive in a Fire OS 3.1 update, due in mid-November. Maybe delaying these items will help the company ship tablets that are more robust in the first place.

I asked Bezos whether the competitive landscape had changed much in the year since he unveiled the Kindle HD models. “The main point I would make,” he told me, “is that it’s so early for the whole tablet marketplace and arena. It’s also very big. There’s room for multiple winners pursuing different strategies, different interfaces and different variants. “

Like Bezos says, Amazon’s own strategy is to sell excellent hardware at low prices with the expectation that happy customers will readily plunk down money for lots of content. That’s pretty much the one it created for the first Kindle e-reader way back in 2007. The concept has never been as fully evolved as it is in the new Fire HDX models – and in just a few weeks, we’ll get to see if they live up to their promise.